Hello Family and Friends,
Today we went to Charleston with our Sister
Training Leaders! So that was super fun, especially because Charleston
flooded today with the rain!
Things with Sister graves are going good except I'm gonna be
honest she is too caring of a person! (; So things are great,
she has the exact personality of Shaeley so it's awesome to have her
This week we found a couple more investigators 2 to be exact and they
are super cute, we also wanted to put Trinity and Stephen on date but
their grandma didn't want us doing that until they fully understand
what baptism is, We also have been doing a lot of the same thing,
knocking on the doors of people who regret opening the door once they
open it and see us so... that's about it.
I'm gonna be honest I never thought a mission would be this hard emotionally and physically!
But its definitely worth it.
Anywho I love y'all tons!
Sister Lewis
South Carolina Columbia Mission

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
The Sun Seems a Bit Brighter
Hey y'all
This week has been another
fabtastic week as a missionary! I am so grateful to be able to wear our Saviors
name on my chest!
Anyhow these past few
weeks have been only a little rough but things are getting much brighter! We
were able to see Stephen and Trinity this week which was so awesome, they are
just the cutest kids and have the strongest desire to follow our Savior! I know
that Sister Graves and I were sent to this area to find and teach them, they
are just the best and it is crazy to see how far they have come since we have
been teaching them! Our lesson with them on Thursday went super well
and they actually asked us when they could come to church with us (they haven’t
been able to because of sickness and general conference) So this week we found
them a ride and they cam and loved every single minuet of it! I did too
considering we got to go to Primary and in Primary they have snacks! Anyhow
church was great and because it was Easter we talked a lot about our
Savior and all that he did so that we can live with our Heavenly Father again
which was great because on Thursday the kids had learned about the
Plan of Salvation! Serious these kids are awesome they are being put on date
for May 13th so please, please, please, keep them in your prayers
they are the sweetest kids in the entire world!
Another Funny thing
that happened was when we were out knocking on doors we ended up meeting this
lady who was going to take a picture of a car for a friend and as we were
talking with her she said that she would be interested in learning our message
but was busy so we asked if we could wait and she said yeah! So we waited for
like 15 minutes and Sister Graves and I got talking about how if you make a
super hero pose you automatically feel more confident! So we did just that and
then we hear a noise and it just so happens to be this kind of sketch person
getting out of the car right behind us... Meaning he had witnessed this whole
thing take place. So he ends up walking inside and we just start dying of
laughter, when he walks back outside again witnessing us laughing. After that
he ended up going over by where the lady who was looking at the car was, and
after realizing we had to go make it to a meeting we ended up leaving our
testimony of the Book of Mormon on a sticky note on a book of Mormon and a pass
along card in Alma 32 hoping that she will read it and we left it on her car!
We also have a new
investigator named Mickey who is just awesome! He is so prime and is very solid
in keeping his appointments and commitments to us, the only issue that he has
right now is that he doesn't understand why we need a church a set religion, so
we are helping him gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon because every
question a person has falls back on the question of do they have a testimony of
the Book of Mormon, and was Joseph Smith a prophet? I would appreciate it
dearly if y'all could keep him in your prayers this week because he truly needs
I would also like to
bear my testimony that I know this church is true I know that the Gospel of
Jesus Christ can and will change lives all we have to do is open our mouths to
share it with others, we have tasted of this magnificent fruit and now your job
as members of this church is to help others learn of how good, and life changing
it is. Again I say all we have to do is open our mouths, When Jesus Christ was
on the Earth he had the ability to judge others he knew who would accept him
and who would not, but he still shared his gospel with EVERYONE regardless of
who they were or what they had done. Everyone has the ability to repent to be
cleansed and to come back into the fold of God all they need to do is to know
how to do it! We as members hold the key and if Jesus Christ could have judged
others but still didn't than how can we as imperfect as we are choose who would
bve ready and who wouldn't! I promise that if you open your mouth you will find
so much joy in the midst of trials and tribulations and I also know you will
face adversity but \our savior Jesus Christ knows exactly how that feels and he
is rooting for you! Just as I am I hope y'all know that I love you, our Savior
Jesus Christ loves you more than you could imagine, in his sacred name
I hope y'all had a
great Easter!
Sister Lewis
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